Vikings Whales and Icebergs

Jun 18, 2019 Trails

Vikings Whales and Icebergs

The adventure trail has been reserved just to explore the two most profound things in the region: Icebergs and Viking Whales. Open for people of all age group, this trail allows you to explore the small island of Quirpon which is located on the shores of Iceland alley.

Spend a day in a 1922 lighthouse which has been fully operational since the many years of its service. Whales are the most common companions to the majestic icebergs which float along the shores of Newfoundland. In addition to Viking whales, you may also spot seals, otters, dolphins, humpbacks, minkes, and orcas trotting around the shores.

After exploring the wonders of the ocean with the naked eye, pay a visit to a UNESCO World Heritage site L’Anse aux Meadows and enjoy the flora and fauna of the place.

The trip includes:

  • Food facilities at all the accommodations
  • Double room with private facilities at the Lighthouse Inn
  • Transfers to and fro St. Anthony
  • Zodiac Tour of the Quirpon Island
  • Ferry to and fro Quirpon Island
  • Entry fee for the L’Anse aux Meadows
  • Entry fee for the Grenfell Historic Site

As an exploratory tour, you should bring your camera along with you in order to capture some of the wildest sites that nature has to offer.



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