Month: September 2023

10 Reasons You Should Be Kayaking for Fitness

Kayaking is often considered a leisurely outdoor activity, perfect for enjoying nature and scenery. While that’s certainly true, kayaking is also a fantastic way to achieve and maintain physical fitness. If you want to be fitter, besides taking SARMS – check here – and whey protein, you can also engage in outdoor activities like kayaking. It’s as enjoyable as it is effective. Here are ten compelling reasons why you should consider kayaking for fitness.

1. Upper Body Workout

When you kayak, you engage multiple muscle groups in your upper body, including your arms, shoulders, and back. The repetitive motion of paddling helps build muscle mass and improves your overall strength. Paddling also engages your chest and abdominal muscles to some extent, making kayaking a comprehensive upper-body workout that rivals weightlifting sessions at the gym.

2. Cardiovascular Health

Just like jogging or swimming, kayaking is an aerobic exercise that elevates your heart rate and improves cardiovascular health. Aerobic exercises are essential for overall well-being and are proven to reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and stroke. With the bonus of beautiful landscapes to enjoy, you’ll hardly even notice you’re getting a heart-pumping workout.

3. Core Strength

Maintaining your balance and stability in a kayak requires a great deal of core strength. Your core muscles—comprising the abdominals, obliques, and lower back—are actively engaged throughout your kayaking adventure. A strong core is fundamental for good posture and is essential for daily activities like lifting, bending, and reaching. Over time, kayaking can significantly improve your core strength and stability.

4. Low-Impact Exercise

If you’re looking for a workout that’s gentle on your joints, kayaking is a perfect choice. Unlike high-impact sports like running, which can be hard on your knees and ankles, kayaking is a low-impact activity. This makes it an ideal form of exercise for people of all ages, especially those who have arthritis or joint problems.

5. Flexibility

Kayaking involves a lot of twisting and turning to navigate through water. These movements demand a certain degree of flexibility and range of motion, especially in your upper body and core. As you become more experienced, you’ll find that kayaking can contribute to improved flexibility, aiding you in other athletic pursuits and daily activities.

6. Stress Reduction

There’s something profoundly calming about being on the water. The rhythmic strokes of paddling, coupled with the natural beauty of lakes, rivers, or the ocean, offer a meditative experience. Exercise naturally triggers the release of endorphins, which help reduce stress and improve your mood.

7. Improved Focus and Concentration

Kayaking is not just about brute force; it’s also about technique and precision. Navigating through waterways or around obstacles requires a heightened level of focus and spatial awareness. These cognitive skills are continuously refined each time you kayak, which can have a positive impact on your concentration levels in other areas of life.

8. Burns Calories

An hour of kayaking can burn anywhere between 300 to 500 calories, depending on your pace and the water conditions. If you’re looking to shed some pounds or maintain your current weight, kayaking can be a fun and effective way to achieve your fitness goals.

9. Social Benefits

While you can kayak solo, it’s often more enjoyable with friends or family. Kayaking clubs and community groups provide opportunities for social interaction, building a sense of camaraderie and teamwork. Engaging in physical activities with others can be highly motivating and is shown to improve mental health.

10. Connection with Nature

Lastly, kayaking provides a unique opportunity to connect with nature. Whether it’s the call of a loon across a serene lake or the expansive beauty of the open ocean, interacting with the natural world has its own set of emotional and psychological benefits. Research has shown that spending time in nature can improve mental well-being and lower stress levels.

In conclusion, kayaking is an incredibly versatile activity that offers a myriad of physical and mental health benefits. From building upper body strength and improving cardiovascular health to reducing stress and enhancing social interactions, kayaking is a holistic exercise that nurtures both the body and the soul. So the next time you’re pondering how to spice up your fitness routine, give kayaking a try; you won’t regret it.

Why Are Hikers Considering CBD Oil?

Hiking is among the most liberating and fulfilling activities in life, according to almost all hikers. After all, it helps you let go of all your problems and reconnect with nature. Longer hikes, on the other hand, are challenging.

In this case, while CBD will not help you manage your hike, it can be a valuable addition to your backpack, especially in emergencies.

With that said, continue reading if you want to learn more about how CBD oil in Canada can make your hikes more exciting and why so many hikers have started using it.

Advantages of CBD Oil for Hikers

Pain Reduction

When you are out hiking, accidents are often inevitable. Outdoors, can fracture your ankle, get stung by an insect, scrape your knees, and various other injuries. Furthermore, if you’re deep in the wilderness, there aren’t likely any clinics nearby.

In this case, CBD can be the solution if you’ve injured yourself and are in agony. According to several studies, CBD affects the endocannabinoid system, which changes how you feel pain.

Moreover, another way CBD can assist with pain is by reducing inflammation. So, if you’re out on a long trip and suffer some inflammation from an insect bite, CBD oil can assist you in getting to the clinic.

Increased Energy

Additionally, CBD can help you gain more strength and endurance by boosting your respiratory processes and enhancing your circulation. In this case, CBD can help safeguard your brain from low oxygen levels if you’re trekking at high altitudes.

Moreover, it also functions well for hikers who have problems maintaining their energy levels due to exercise-induced asthma or pollen allergies. For this, CBD can help lessen any inflammation these diseases may create.

Lastly, some CBD tinctures contain caffeine, which can help boost your energy levels. While you shouldn’t be using them all the time, they can help you get that extra energy boost on a long trip.

Reduced Anxiety

Ultimately, there comes a time in your trip when you’ve been on your feet the whole day. You might even begin to wonder why you started your adventure in the first place and when it will end.

In this case, another issue CBD might assist you with is reaching a mental roadblock. It will give you the appropriate amount of energy while calming you down to help you continue moving.

Moreover, long hikes are also typically solitary experiences. While you’ll most likely meet up with others at your next campsite, you’re still often on your own on the path. So, when you begin to feel concerned about being alone or about anything else, CBD can be helpful. After all, it can help you calm down and continue your trip.

Overall, deciding to go on a lengthy hike alone might be life-changing. You might even uncover a part of yourself you didn’t know existed while on those trails.

However, going on a trek yourself can be difficult, and it can feel like the forces of nature are fighting against you. In this case, there are almost no drawbacks to having a natural treatment on hand that may assist you not just relax but also with your energy levels and much more.

Nevertheless, before purchasing any CBD oil in Canada online, ensure that you have done your homework on the companies and the products. In addition, it might be best to speak with other hikers and seek their advice and recommendations.